
A Nice Break

Nothing much has happened in the way of crime. A few wrong-doers put away here and there. But no big fish.

I had been stressed out about a certain suspect. I know him only by the car he drove, which is now exploded. A black Eclipse.

I vowed to find him and someday I will. But the stress was becoming unhealthy. I needed a break.

This week I got away from it all. My psychiatrist recommended it. I took a trip to Orlando.

A wonderful place it is. But the city is full of criminals. I had to remind myself that I wasn't there to destroy them, though it's what I wanted. It's something like the apple a day that keeps the doctor away. The apple represents...relaxation. The day is symbolic of a year or so. And if every year I eat some relaxation then I'll be able to have more days to fight the criminals, represented by the doctor, I think.



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